Relating & Communicating Efficiently-2

Relating & Communicating Efficiently-2

It is sometimes difficult for us to feel and be with the pain that our hearts carry. We tend to bypass facing our pain by projecting our emotions, our ideas, or our beliefs towards those who created the pain. This module will help us bring maturity in our lives by ending the denial and honestly expressing ourselves.

Day one → Understanding and exploring Responsibility.
On this first day we will explore, with different exercises and sharing, how to honestly express our feelings. Self-respect comes naturally when we bring care and love to what is happening for us.

Day two → Honestly Expressing Ourselves.
Criticism, blame, and anger are generally projected on others because we are not able to deal with the pain that our heart carries. Anger is then mainly used as a protection and domination mechanism. This second day will be dedicated to contact our strength and vitality to express anger in a totally new way.

Taking responsibility for our feelings, owning our feelings and thought forms will bring easiness and simplicity in your lives. Relaxation, easiness, and authenticity will then become your daily nourishment.

The Upcoming Events page will tell you when and where the next one is scheduled.

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