Our True Nature


    Our True Nature

Vivre c'est être

S'éprouver directement dans l'instant

Our True Nature

Is Awareness and love is its fragrance. We all carry this intrinsic ability to be in life joyfully and lovingly, living our true nature.

Living Our True Nature

Does not propose any creed or belief system; it simply supports, with courses and/or individual sessions, anyone who wants to live as an individual in awareness.

Its Purpose

Create opportunities for those who have a longing to be who they truly are. Processes are offered that help each participant experience their true nature.

Être c’est Vivre

Une présence consciente détendue,
Clé d'une vie transformée

The way

Living Our True Nature offers a stream of courses and individual sessions: ‘The Way', all geared towards one single intention...

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The proposed stream of courses is a doorway to our inner world, to our individuality as well as experiencing this other dimension that we are: relaxed awareness...

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Upcoming Events

You are looking for a specific workshop or the possibility of individual sessions near you? Opportunities are available for you to walk the Way…

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Leurs Expériences

en Images

Express yourself


A Man of Many Faces !


Riding the Bull Home


So it is!


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Les Mots

de leur Expérience

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